mercoledì 22 gennaio 2014

Papaya, Soy yogurt, linseed – Breakfast today

The right breakfast foods can help you concentrate, give you strength!!!
Today I choose a incredible fruit: Papaya is an amazingly delicious fruit referred to as ‘fruits of angels’. And let me tell you one more secret! When used on your face on a regular basis you might resemble an angle too. It is very easily available and affordable. You can grow it in your kitchen garden as well. Papaya’s nutritional benefits are really amazing.
This fruit is packed with nutrients that are truly beneficial for health which possess digestive, nutritional and medicinal features with curing capability for many diseases.
Linseeds (also known as Flaxseeds) are a great source of gluten/wheat free fibre. They promote bowel movement by increasing the water content and bulk volume of our stools (number 2′s!), keeping us nice and regular. Fibre is important in the prevention of bowel cancer, constipation and slowing the absorption of sugar into our blood stream.
After this breakfast, I'm ready to start the day

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