martedì 10 marzo 2015


Hello everybody! I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
Today in London is raining but we are plenty of exciting activities, such as reading a book while sipping an hot drink.
Although we are unconscious of their healthy benefits plants offer natural remedies against different kind of pains.
For this reason, I would like to share with you two very useful receipts: how to properly use the oregano plant that everybody has on home pantries.
The oregano plants is about 60 cm tall and possess multiple branching stems. The leaves are spade- shaped. Oregano grows during spring and in summer purple flowers bloom like spikes.
You can use oregano if:
·        You have very painful menstruations. Steep oregano leaves in a spoon on the surface of hot water cup, then filter and drink it twice a day.
·        Oregano plant is also a very healthy remedy against cold. You can prepare a tisane with it: boil in ½ liter of water 15 g. of blooms and leaves for 5 minutes and then filter it. This quantity provides 3 dosages a day.

P.S. Before to drink the tisane warm it up with double boiler technique.
These two receipts are fast and efficient! 

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